Eosiniphilic Granuloma???????

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

Has anyone ever had a cat with the eosiniphilic granuloma complex, one form of it often called pouty lip or rodent ulcer? My 9 month old indoor only Maine Coon boy (alter) recently developed a swollen area on his lower lip, which first appeared to be some sort of trauma or interference where his upper canine rubbed. It has since gotten bigger and appears to be a classic case of EGC. We started with antibiotics in case it was an infection, and not EGC, but it hasn't responded much. Now we are doing a cycle of prednisone. My vet didn't want to start out with the more powerful cortisone drug because it stays in the system for 60 days. Also around the same time this started he had a case of diarrhea which lasted a few days and got better after an injection of flocillin, dexmeth, and some primodophilis in his food. I wondered whether he injested some nonfood things that he lokes to play with, like thread, fabric bits (I sew), bugs or cellophane, etc that he likes to chew on. My vet doesn't think he has anything stuck because he has no tender areas anywhere. The only other eventful thing in his life was when he was neutered about a month ago. He was cryptorchid, but surgery went well with no complications.

I trust my vet completely and feel we're on the right track, but would like to know if anyone out there has had any similar experience. My vet and the literature says the EGC can recur. I hate to think of having to put up with it forever.

Thanks everyone. Susie

-- Anonymous, November 30, 2000

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