Leica MDa

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can anyone tell me anything about the Leica MDa as I have the opportunity to purchase a chrome one in exc+++ condition made in 1968 at a reasonable price. I know they were made for scientific use but that's about all. Are they worth much and if so how much approxiamately?

Thanks in advance

-- terry ashton (mahv@xtra.co.nz), December 01, 2000


Well it is basically an M4 with no viewfinder. You could have it modified to be an M4 proper (Leica still offers this service) but the cost would be prohibitive as you need a new top plate and viewfinder/rangefinder assembly. It is an ideal camera for the visoflex or copy stand. If you have a Cosina 15, 12 or 25, it would be fine also as these lenses have no rangefinder coupling. MDa cameras come up on eBay fairly often but only seem to sell occasionally. Search completed auctions for some pricing.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@home.com), December 01, 2000.

Great body for a 21mm lens if you are the prefocus kind of photographer.Roberto

-- ROBERTO WATSON GARCIA (mawago@prodigy.net.mx), December 07, 2000.

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