Does Saanan goat milk separate? : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am seriously thinking of getting a nice jersey cow because I want the heavy cream, do Saanan goats have the heavy cream that separates out? I was told that they did,but thought I would ask this kind group first.

-- Cindy in OK (, December 01, 2000


Cindy- all goats milk will separate out the cream given enough time. Saanans as a rule are more the "holstein" of the goat family. Higher production of milk, with lower butterfat content. I say as a rule, because I know a couple really good herds that have gotten their butterfat content up there. I chose Nubian goats for the very reason I would chose a Jersey cow if I were going to get a cow. I like the higher butterfat content for cheese making, butter and ice cream. I have a seperator that I use when I am milking more than a couple of goats. Right now I pasturize my nubian milk (it keeps sweet much longer that way) and after about 5 days the cream is easily skimmed off the top of my wide mouth 2 quart jars. I have had jersey cows off and on all my life and I am grateful that I found my nubians. I can milk a couple of goats (actually 3 or 4) in the same time it took me to milk a cow and they don't hit me with their tails or step on my feet. I guess I am just getting too old. I know I can milk my goats and handle them as long as I can still walk. There's my two cents worth. diane

-- Diane Green (, December 01, 2000.

Cindy, Saanen's have the lowest butterfat scores.

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (, December 01, 2000.

Gee Vicki- I was trying not to step on anyones toes.!!! People raise Saanan can get upset. :) diane

-- diane (, December 01, 2000.

I raise Alpines, have had Saanens too before, as well as Nubians, Toggs, etc. My experience with all the goat's milk is that it does not separate very much until about the time it is starting to sour. The separating line is a sign for me to throw the milk out. When it is fresh, there is a little, thin line of cream on the top, but there has never been enough for me to try making butter or anything like that.

-- Rebekah (, December 01, 2000.

My Saanen goats milk does not separate like cows milk. I use it fresh for the family for only 24 hours, then use the next days milk. I either feed the older milk to the chickens or cats (we have alot of both) or freeze it for soapmaking. There is never enough cream even after 3 days to use. You would have to use a separater. Saanens are the best goats though (in my humble opinion ) They love people and give alot of milk. My 2 gals are the sweetest things. Good luck!!

-- Jenny Pipes (, December 08, 2000.

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