Thoughtful Gifts : LUSENET : Becky Says Come and Chat : One Thread

Tell us about any really thoughtful gifts you've received.

-- Becky (, December 05, 2000


I wrote in my journal about the Advent boxes made by daughter for me this year. (somewhere it is there, I don't wish to re-read my entries to find it.. lol) Just imagine buying 25 little card board boxes after finding a store with different shapes. Priming then painting inside and out. Decorating each,writing Bible verses on little slips of paper to glue in the lids, finding gifts to fit and color coordinating the whole thing.

Time and love went into these and I cherish each little pin, or candle, or piece of candy that I have found so far and this is only day 6. :-)

-- Bonnie (, December 06, 2000.

Being a quirky individual, my preference in clothing other than the one traditional suit, white shirt, necktie and polished shoes, consist of several things, all for good reasons (mine). Must be wash and wear, soft, shirts of thin material and short sleeves, pants of soft but sturdy material, shoes -- comfortable and not those overpumped huge gunboats worn nowadays, sweaters are cardigans (childhood's dearest wish) and easy to open up and cool off a bit, insulated but light outerwear for cold weather stopping at the waist or slightly lower. Any clothing given me by family is / are thoughtful gifts.

-- Denver doug (, January 16, 2001.

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