Leica 100 or 80 for the R?greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread |
I have been deciding between a used Leica 100 2.8 APO and the 80 1.4. Can anyone help me with this decision who has had experience with both lenses? Any help would truly be apreciated.Thanks Gabe
-- Gabe Sachs (egabe@earthlink.net), December 06, 2000
Gabe, these lenses serve different purposes. The 80 Lux is for available-light work, such as stage photograpy-- like photographing a ballet. The 100 APO is intended more for producing the highest possible image quality, where speed is not an object. By giving up two stops, the designer can make a lens with the ability to resolve fined detail. So It's a matter of your intended pupose. If you are not making big enlargements, but do intend to shoot in low light, the 80 might be more versatile for you.
-- Bob Fleischman (RFXMAIL@prodigy.net), December 13, 2000.