Sony PD 150/Final Cut editing system : LUSENET : Shooting DV Films : One Thread

I'm setting up a DV production company (with, admittedly little DV experience) and would appreciate comments/suggestions on the system I'm thinking of. The product will be a straightforward, "talking-head" style program distributed primarily on VHS.

I'm planning on shooting Sony PD-150 cameras, editing in Final Cut, and finishing to DV Cam for delivery. Does anyone have any recommendations for things like which DV Cam deck to buy (DSR-11, DSR-20/30/40), lav mics, Boris v. After Effects, 450 v. 500MHz G4's etc...?

-- ladd stryker (, December 12, 2000


I am currently employed as a producer for a production company that shoots exclusively on DV and broadcasts on TV world wide. We cut on Final Cut Pro and use After Effects for many of our graphics. I would be happy to trade emails regarding the simple aspects of producing material with these formats. I would also be interested in discussing possible employment opportunities. Our season is coming to a close soon and I am looking for more work. B. Magilroy

-- B. Magilroy (, April 28, 2001.

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