How permanent is Spotone? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

Okay, this is a wierd question, but I've never heard the answer. When I'm doing all this work archivally processing and toning fiberbase papers,how permanent, lightfast, is the Spotone dye I use in retouching. Will it fade or change color significantly over time, when compared with the life of the print. Anyone with experience or knowledge about this?

-- Paul Swenson (, December 17, 2000


Spotone seems to last as long as the print. I've noted no change in its appearance on any of my older prints, anyway. Of course, I've forgotten where it is in most cases. But whether it's permanent or not, it's about the only convenient way to spot prints.

-- Keith Nichols (, December 17, 2000.

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