A Tale of Two Christmas'sgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
Life has not always been as it is today as I sit in a warm, comfortable home complete with all the garnish of the season. There was a time in the 80's when things were much different. A time when life had lost it's fun and joy and comfort was some thing other people had. It was during this period of my life that I experienced my most memorable Christmas. As I sat this morning staring at the lights twinkle on the tree crammed with gifts, I couldn't help but remember that Christmas that changed me somehow.
It was Charlotte, North Carolina and I was working, building the Phillip Morris export plant in Concord. The company shut the project down for two weeks for the holidays. Since I was living in a cheap motel, two weeks without pay meant two weeks without a roof over my head. When you got a problem like that you need someone professional advice. So I went to the best street man I knew, an old hand at living and making his way. Eureka ! Boy, he had a plan and I tagged right along. We would enter the alcohol treatment center for two weeks near West Blvd.
The deal was that you had to be confined to the facility for two weeks but when you have nowhere to go than anywhere is a better place to be ! Three hots and a cot, one AA meeting, and a church service--free rent. I must say that I felt life had passed me by a little but after being abanoned by my mother when I was three months old, I was no stranger to being thrown out of worse places by better people. This would have to do. Than came Christmas eve.
We went to church that evening as usual but the church was full of strangers. After the service they all got up and went outside--asking us to remain seated. Than they returned with boxes, bags and crates. Long Johns, t-shirts, socks, stocking hats and coats in all sizes. Oranges, apples, walnuts, pecans, grapes and grapefruits. New stuff, fresh stuff, name brand merchandise ! We each received one wrapped package and ask not to open it till the morning. My gift contained a wallet and inside was a crisp ten dollar bill. I was overwhelmed. I actually cried because I had received, not what I wanted, but what I needed. Yes Joel, there really is a God and he must care about you also ! He heard your cries of loneliness and poured out blessings on you, so many that you are unable to receive them all.
Well, that was one Christmas and this is another. here are no shortages of money or love here today. All is well with me, thanks to the strangers of Christmas past. As I sit here and look at all the gifts we will bestow on each other--I have to ask myself why I can't give my children a gift like that ? Why don't I just drop them of on a corner near the mission ? People would think me an irrespondsible parent, I'd probably be jailed for neglect. I guess it's better to let children find their own lessons and learn them well. Somethings just can't be taught, they must be experienced.
We, the Rosens, would like to take this opportunity to wish all our fellow Homesteaders a wonderful season. May the rich blessings of God flow like rivers over you and your loved ones ! Merry Christmas, Happy Hannakuh, Happy New year, and Happy Homesteading ! Joel, Becky, D.J., Erik, Magen, and Logan
-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), December 17, 2000
Thanks Joel, for the story and the tears. You never know how someone will receive what you have to offer on the forum. I know I wrote this before but...It's strange how good memories can be found in such hard times. It sounds like you gained some understanding from your hard times. What better Christmas gift, Merry Christmas and May God Bless You Always, Cindy
-- Cindy (atilrthehony_1@yahoo.com), December 17, 2000.
Joel, What a beautiful story! Thank you for sharing it with us. I suspect a lot of us have had experiences of a similar nature, where times were tough and we didn't know which way to turn - until God reaches down and uses someone to touch us in some special way and remind us that he is indeed, God, and still in control. I wish a very merry CHRISTmas to you and your family.
-- Lenette (kigervixen@webtv.net), December 17, 2000.
Thank you, for reminding us that we are truly blessed in many different ways! You should submit this story to Reader's digest or Goodhousekeeping! It should be shared with lots of others! Merry christmas to you and your family!
-- Debbie T in N.C. (rdtyner@mindspring.com), December 17, 2000.
Loud and clear messages often come in quiet whispers. Thanks for sharing. Happy Holidays to You and Yours. I can bet you probally still have that wallet. Merry Christmas.
-- Jay Blair in N. AL (jayblair678@yahoo.com), December 17, 2000.
Thankyou so much for the story! God really does provide for your needs if you will only let him. God provided me my dream farm and provided me with just enough money to pay for it and to move on. Employment has been very hard to come by but our basic needs have been met. When I am down to my last dollar something will happen to give me enough to get by on. When something is broke or needs to be done and the normal way to get it done is to pay for it and I don't have any money I will receive inspiration of a new way and I know this is from God. Merry Christmas everyone. Remember this is a birthday celebration and not a celebration for the credit card companies :o).
-- Amanda in Mo (aseley@townsqr.com), December 17, 2000.
Wow, Joel, that was some story! Thank you for sharing it with us. If I wasn't in the Christmas spirit before, I sure am now. Merry Christmas Joel, and be sure to tell Becky and the kids the same for me.
-- Annie (mistletoe@earthlink.net), December 17, 2000.
Joel, Becky, DJ, Erik, Magen and Logan, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays from Les, Jan and Ashley in Colorado. Thank you, Joel for sharing this. Sometimes we need a little humbling story to wake us up, and let us know that things aren't as tough as we thought they were. Jan
-- Jan in Colorado (Janice12@aol.com), December 17, 2000.
Joel, that was wonderful, thank you for sharing that with us, it really touched my heart, we'll never know how many people we actually touch with our generosity, when we reach out to those in need.
-- Carol in Tx (cwaldrop@peoplescom.net), December 17, 2000.
Bless you, my friend. I printed your story and will show it to my church buddies...there will be alot of happy folks on Christmas Day because you took the time to share this with us. cyberhugs to you and yours.....
-- Lesley (martchas@gateway.net), December 17, 2000.
Very inspiring, Joel! I hope you're keeping a journal of all your postings 'cause spoken words fade from memory all too quickly. Written words are forever.Blessings be upon your family this holiday season. What the heck! I guess they already are :)
Craig, Carolann & Cecilia Miller
-- Craig Miller (CMiller@ssd.com), December 18, 2000.
Joel, very well written,thanks for sharing that,I am beginning to see you in a different light, merry christmass to you and your family. P.s.I am glad you didnt get your silly head blown off on your latest escapade.
-- kathy h (ckhart55@earthlink.net), December 18, 2000.
Merry Christmas Joel and family. There is allot to be thankful for. God bless you all too. Cindy and Steve
-- Cindy in Ky (solidrockranch@msn.com), December 18, 2000.
Thank You all for the very nice comments. I have often thought that God made this Christmas so I could share it with others. "If you love me--feed my sheep. and "If you have done this to anyone of these my brethren --You have done it unto me" are very inclusive statements of the bible !As for copying the article and sharing it with others--please do ! If someone finds joy or peace from it than I also find fullfillment in that. It was freely given to me and I return it to others in the same fashion. I could never find the reason to sell it. To God all the Glory, by his hand it was done !
-- Joel Rosen (Joel681@webtv.net), December 19, 2000.
Thank you, Joel, that was a very special story, keeps it all in perspective. Merry Christmas!
-- Cathy in NY (hrnofplnty@yahoo.com), December 19, 2000.
Joel, your heart is HUGE!! You are indeed a blessed man! The best to you and your family and may God's Blessings rain down on you!! Merry Christmas!
-- Wendy@GraceAcres (wjl7@hotmail.com), December 19, 2000.
Joel, your story was certainly a blessing to me and really made me think. Merry Christmas to the Rosen family and may God bless you all. While I'm at it, Merry Christmas and blessings to all the homesteaders on this forum!!!!
-- bwilliams (bjconthefarm@yahoo.com), December 19, 2000.