Anyone got any Late Night Trail Run songs? : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread |
Saturday night (12/23) is the 3rd annual OK Late Night With Mook. LNWM is a trail run/jog/hike. It occurred to me that LNWM needs some songs and at this time of year, Christmas carols are the perfect songs for us to modify.How about (to the tune of Silent Night)...
Late Night
O K night
The trail is calm
Halogen lamps bright
Anyone got any trail run songs? Even if you can't make it to the run, post your lyrics here.
-- Michael (, December 18, 2000
How about the song Sussanne taught us about the mouse running up the clock in Swedish. Ulla, dulla, doff?Other than that, I'm just going to breath heavily.
-- Fritz (, December 20, 2000.
You better dress warm, you better bring lights,It going to be one of those cold winter nights,
Mook is bringing Late Night to town.
Spike will be there, Mean Gene and Fritz too,
Swampchicken's in Wyoming with his lips turning blue,
Mook is bringing Late Night to town.
He'll be there if it's sleeting, he'll be there if it snows,
Be sure to bring an appetite for the pizza at Kenos!
So, you better dress warm, you better bring lights,
It going to be one of those cold winter nights,
Mook is bringing Late Night to town.
-- J-J (, December 21, 2000.
Jingle Bells, Snorkel smells,
Peggy laid an egg,
The Smokemobile lost a wheel,
and Vader got away!
-- Mook (, December 22, 2000.
What was in that eggnog Mook?
-- Snorkel (, December 23, 2000.