Puttin a handle in a mallet. [stories]

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

The year was 1959 and the job was installing a handle in a new wooden mallet head. The location was Noble High School and the class was Agriculture. The teacher ask me if I was doin anything. [He knew I wasn't --just goofin off] I didn't lie to'm at all. Told me to fix that new mallet with a handle. I did! Found a broom handle and "bushed" it up with paper and glued it TIGHT! Hid it for a couple days for it to get real good and set. Presented it to him in front of the entire class. He wasn't amused at all. I couldn't figger out why-told'm you could drive railroad spikes with that long handled mallet. the handle was about 5 feet long and slick as a whistle. After turnin red down his entire neck from anger-he looked at the class and they were almost on the floor laughin. He cooled off qu ickly and realized it was knda funny at that. All he could say was "Shoot -you ruined a good mallet head" Told'm it wasn't ruined--if he chose not to drive R.R. spikes with it--it could always have the handle cut off to a more reasonable lenght! That was the last time he EVER asked me to fix something. Well anyhow-that's been a LONG time ago and I'll be he still hasn't forgotten it. He hasn't forgotten that I also build, for myself, a 6 ft propellor from a 2X4. It worked quite well also-especially when you set on a car hood and had a buddy drive you around the parkin lot and down the streets-with a screwdriver as an axel. I still have that propeller around here somewhere. Guess I orta take a pict of it and put it on my web page. Onliest thang---everybody would be want'n me to build'm one. Y'all be cool and watch for "flyin" mallet ha ndles. hoot. Matt. 24:44

-- hoot (hoot@pcinetwork.com), December 18, 2000


ok HOOT,, post your website,, so we all can see the prop

-- Stan (sopal@net-port.com), December 18, 2000.

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