What's your impression of me---and what impression do you think you leave with others?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Novenotes : One Thread

What's your impression of me---and what impression do you think you leave with others?--- Al

-- Al Schroeder (al.schroeder@nashville.com), December 18, 2000


A loving husband and father- 2 of the most important things anybody could be. That may seem trivial to some-but take it from a teacher, that is a gift that not every family has. The are thousands of kids who don't know their dad's are and their mom's are working so hard to support them that the kids are essentially on their own...you also strike me as someone who asks the big questions in life, which to me always makes someone more interesting, and worth knowing.

The impression I leave depends on the context, family thinks I'm a little eccentric, I suppose.

-- AJ (joijoijoi@hotmail.com), December 19, 2000.

I think you seem like such a great husband. I hope that when I get married, my husband treats me like you do Barb. It's so damn cute.

-- Jen (Winter@nyc.com), December 19, 2000.

As I consider you one of my mentors, my opinion of you is so very high that I hope live up to your expectations of me. Your travail as a father and the way you have handled your grief sets an example for us to follow when the time comes.

My opinion of me ? A stumbling, bumbling mouthy old man, who does stop mouthing off long enough to learn a few things from my betters.

Will be back in Denver on the 3rd January

-- Denver doug (bastion@diaryland.com), January 01, 2001.

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