Goerz Magnar 6 inch/f5.6 specs?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

I have this lens in super fine condition with clean exterior ( no brassing)in original wooden box. It has been listed by Lens and Repro for $1250, so I know that it is a fine process lens. As I no longer am doing 4x5 work, I am planning on selling it in the near future on eBay, but cannot find any specs other than a few e-mails sent to me over the year. I know that it was manufactured between 1962 and 1972 by the name of the company on the label: Goerz Optical Company, Long Island ...which was just before Schneider bought them out.

I have seen remarks that it was designed as an "enlarging" lens or for repro work in graphic arts. The serial number is 822785. This design has overly large glass elements to provide extended field of view ie minimize vignetting.

Does anyone know what magnifications this lens was designed for and any other specs that might define its use better?

Thanks, Stew Corman

-- Stewart Corman (scorman@stny.rr.com), December 19, 2000

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