ever heard of a Tuxedo Maine Coon

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Maine Coon Cats : One Thread

i have a very beautiful blk and wht maine coon that has the coloring of a cat that is wearing a tuxedo,wht shirt,wht gloves,wht socks,blk most everywhere else.i was told by my local vet that this coloration is somewhat common with this breed of cat.where can i get more info and is there many people with a cat of this description?

-- Anonymous, December 20, 2000


Classic color of Maine Coons is brown tabby but they do come in a rainbow of colors. Bi-colors are available but probably not "common". Check out a book on Maine Coons at your local library or buy a book on-line.

-- Anonymous, January 01, 2001

I too have a beautiful black & and white tuxedo type cat with startling round eyes, long tufts of white coming out of his ears, his rear looks like he's wearing bloomers, has 5 toes in front, 4 in back and a tail that is longer than his body..in fact if you look at him from an ariel view you cannot tell where his rear ends and the tail begins! His tummy is white. But the markings on his front legs are not symmetrical...I've rean that they should be..there is a cat on one of the web pages that looks exactly like him. Oh he also has gold eyes. let me know if you find out more. Francie

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

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