Wanna try me?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Junkyard Wars : One Thread

How would someone like to apply with me via the internet, and meet for the first time at the competition? I think it might be a challenge for the show to get a team created from like this. Sign me up!

-- Chris Elolf (chrissfa@hotmail.com), December 21, 2000


Im game, you can count me in, or I also have a couple of people in mind as for a team, you could do 2 people from one place and 2 from anuther, just a thought, but im in for sure!

Brian AIM SN ~Scooby I R 27~

-- Brian Clark ~scooby~ (delsolls@home.com), December 28, 2000.

That sounds great! I'll be there! Don't forget...somehow you'd need to make the entry video. Show up...kick butt....that's my style.

-AIM SN- Jax Combo

-- Chris Cleaver (beaverx@juno.com), December 28, 2000.

It was somewhat like what you have described for me, as I already knew Ron Toms, and Bill "Broad Dog" Thompson, the other team's expert and the judge, via the net for over a year before the show. We all suspected that we might all be there at the same time, as we all have "punkin chunkin" in common. Waddy, expert for the "Rusty Juveniles"

-- Waddy Thompson (cthomp3851@aol.com), January 09, 2001.

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