greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I'm serious about buying a secondhand 16 x 12 Beard Enlarging Easel in good condition. I would love a 4-blade, but can probably only afford a 2-blade. I would love to buy in the UK but, provided shipping is reasonable, will consider the US or elsewhere.

-- Richard Walton (rw@totalise.co.uk), December 21, 2000


16 X 12? D'you mean 16 X 20?

Why not wait until your beard grows out? How much bigger does it need to be? ZZ Top size?


-- Sean yates (yatescats@yahoo.com), December 23, 2000.

No, he means 16x12, a common size. I have just taken delivery of a 16x12 Photon Beard 4 blade easel. Tried it out last night and it's terrific. Probably one of the best easels, if not the very best, available.

-- M.V. (mahv@xtra.co.nz), December 23, 2000.

Perhaps you should contact the manufacturer: http://www.photonbeard.com/

For others curious about these easels, see http://www.photonbeard.com/a/cat29.cfm

-- Michael Briggs (michael.briggs@earthlink.net), December 24, 2000.


That's priceless ! :-)

-- Mani Sitaraman (bindumani@pacific.net.sg), December 25, 2000.

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