Detroit Newspaper Strike? : LUSENET : MPFFU : One Thread

I have been asked by a couple members of our Local if the boycot of the NEWS and FREE PRESS is over? What is the MPFFU view on this matter? What, if anything has the Union received on the matter from the Unions involved? Has the AFL-CIO had anything to say? Do we renew subscriptions and support our Union brothers and sisters that are now working with contracts? Please let me know anything you can. Matt Majestic, Secretary Local 1721

-- Matt Majestic (, December 22, 2000


<< What, if anything has the Union received on the matter from the Unions involved? Has the AFL-CIO had anything to say? >>
Here is what Mark Gaffney, President of the Michigan AFL-CIO had to say on December 22, 2000: 20Releases/endofstrike.htm. Hope this helps.

-- Mike Marinelli (, January 03, 2001.

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