Need-a-sub Saturday night January : LUSENET : Mount Brighton Ski Patrol : One Thread |
I'm looking for a sub my Saturaday night shift on January 20th. Will trade shifts, of course.
-- Anonymous, December 28, 2000
Karl,I'm still recovering from pneumonia and need a sub for tomorrow night (1/5/01). I'm sure I will be healthy by the 20th. Are you able and willing to swap?
-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001
Sorry, I can't make it to Brighton tonight (1/5/01). I guess I'll have to wait for a better offer.
-- Anonymous, January 05, 2001
Karl,I'm planning on skiing Saturday night and can sub for you if you still need a sub.
-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001
Great, It's all yours. Do you have a shift that you want me to take for you?
-- Anonymous, January 15, 2001
Karl,This one's a freebie - Merry Christmas!
-- Anonymous, January 16, 2001