r7 flash

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

Can any one tell me if i can use my sf20 flash on my r7. If so in what mode,and can auto fillin be used. Many thanks for an interesting webb page. hanks Graham

-- graham kilbey (g7mlw@btinternet.com), December 28, 2000


The SF20 flash works on R7 only in manual and automatic modes. TTL will work only on M6TTL and R8 cameras. George

-- George Bajszár (gbajszar@qwest.net), December 28, 2000.

The best flash I found for the R7 are the Metz dedicated units with a SCA 351 adapter. I use a 32Z-2 flash which is very powerful, works 100% dedicated for the R7 including balanced daylight fill flash. Recycles very quickly and is fairly compact too.

-- Andrew Schank (aschank@flash.net), December 28, 2000.


I agree with Andrew that the SF20 is not your best choice but the Metz 32Z-2 with SCA 351 works well with the R7. BTW, you may also like to get the Metz cord SCA 307A, which can be used to connect between the SCA 351 (in the R7's hot shoe) and the 32Z-2 unit for off- camera flash, giving much greater versatility.

-- Ray Moth (ray_moth@yahoo.com), January 01, 2001.

It's fairly difficult to find the SCA351 here in Thailand (new or used). Do you know any place on the Net where I can order from? Also can I use any off-camera cable instead of the SCA 307A? I have a Nikon SC-17, or that won't work because of different brand?

-- Taweephol (taweephol_tic@yahoo.com), May 21, 2001.

The SC-17 works fine on Leica TTL hotshoes because the pin configuration is the same as Nikon. Nikon's flashes won't work in TTL on a Leica because the circuitry is wired differently. The SC-17 (or SCA 307A) cable is just passing along electronic information, so the fact that Nikon flash circuitry is different from Leica's is irrelevant.

-- Robert Schneider (robslaurat@earthlink.net), May 22, 2001.

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