Response to another storm on the way : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I wish you were in MS we have plenty of wood to give away. I sure hate to see it go to waste.

-- Bettie Ferguson (, December 29, 2000


Was listening to the NPR news on the way home from work awhile ago and heard an interview w/ one of the men in charge in the cleanup in Arkansas. He said on the road to his home were over 200 trees down! Yes, lots of firewood, but what a shame. I remember when the tornados tore thru my Grandmothers town in '74, it has not looked the same to this day. What devestation and loss.

Bettie, how much damage in your area? You and yours ok? John

-- John in S. IN (, December 29, 2000.

John, We had an ice storm here Feb.14,1994 many limbs and big old trees down.We were without power for 28 days.People in town became scared and cut all their big shade trees down.Had one big ice storm before that in late 40's or early 50's.I wasn't around for the first ice storm, but the one in 94 was a sight to see.

-- Bettie Ferguson (, December 29, 2000.

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