Question for Hisa... : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Ok, I've put this off long enough... What is the record for Twinkle Star Sprites in Japan? 2.5M? 3M? And, Hisa, any chance of you having a go at it yourself? (talk about suicidal... :))

-- Barry Rodewald (, January 01, 2001


3,807,307@Remain=0,Hit=54.--from arcadia vol3.

Please do not hear me how to get the score of "can not devide by 10". 1coin default setting.

-- Rank-52 (, January 02, 2001.

Damn! That would be something to see... that was on the three lives default wasn't it? And yes, I know perfectly well how to get a score not divisible by 10 (and I don't mean continuing). I've managed a 6 on the end one my scores once through around 12 consecutive perfects. :)

-- Barry Rodewald (, January 02, 2001.

setting is 3 ships get an extra at 500K and can leech 4 times at the stage 7...
that game is not my favorite(because enemy often suicide suddenly.) one.I have played this game about 10 times or best is 1.7million at character mode.
your top is solild until very good player penetrate here.

-- Rank-54(down2) (, January 02, 2001.

at Nagoya cities "tonga oukoku" has champion players.
they appear almost everyday.if you have opportunity to come to Japan,visit there.
current world record beats FOUR MILLION!!!!
(not beats 4,001,000.)

-- C33master (, August 16, 2001.

4 million? Now that would be something to see.

Are there any inps of these wonderous 3M+ score anywhere?

-- Barry Rodewald (, August 17, 2001.

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