goat question update

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Thank you a hundred times. I knew I'd get the right answer here. It was a selenium thing. The vet said she would get better after a combination shot of that and vitamin E. I was so glad. She is a fine kid that is a cross between a nubian and oberhasli. I really wanted her for a milk goat. My saanan had twins, a buck and a doe. If a friend doesnt want the buck he'll wind up in the freezer. I surely do thank you all for the help. We are "learn as we go" goat people and somethings arent covered in the books. Thanks again and Blessings Peggy

-- Peggy Carr (wclpc@cookeville.com), January 03, 2001


Peggy, I sure glad she didn't have it bad enough that she wouldn't recover. Occasionally, they are beyond the scope of treatment. Selenium deficiency affects most all farm animals, sometimes fatally. Best of luck in the future!

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (annie@1st.net), January 03, 2001.

I am so glad she's doing okay. Unfortunately, there are some things we have to learn the hard way regardless of how we try to prepare. Take care!

-- Doreen (animalwaitress@excite.com), January 04, 2001.

Where are you ? Is the buck registered ? Or can he be ?

-- Patty (fodfarms@hotmail.com), January 04, 2001.

Sorry it took so long to answer but my machine has been broken. We live in middle Tennessee and the buck cant be registered. We keep goats for milk for our own use. When we started 3 yrs ago we had registered nubians that we crossed with a registered boer. The nubians were very cranky milkers and the boer buck became very agressive. So a year ago when our Amish friends were moving out of state we jumped at the chance to buy their Saanan/Ober doe that was a first freshener. My husband bought the buck this summer from a man we dont know and really have no way of knowing if hes mixed with something else. He doesnt look like it but you can never tell. We've had dealing with some pretty unscrupulous goat people. The buck kid we arent going to keep is the color of the Saanan doe with a black stripe down its back. Thanks again for the information about the kid. We probably would have disposed of her if you guys hadnt come through. She is just fine and is as lively as the others. Thanks again Blessings Peggy

-- Peggy (wclpc@cookeville.com), January 10, 2001.

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