Dumb Club

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

PigFatt. Fleeah. Rudersucks. Mangy Kat. Weirdgirl.

Nemesis galore.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001


Response to PoSM

I wish they were going to Vegas SO BAD. Oooohhhhhh...we would reign supreme like Kareem.

(new slang!)

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Response to PoSM

See, I think RG backed out because she knew there was just no way she could compete.

Oh, idea!

You should email and her and ask her what's wrong adn tell her you'll always be there for her. heh.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Response to PoSM

Surely you know I already did that! (Except I didn't go so far as to give her my phone number.)

She hasn't responded, but I know she will.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Response to PoSM

Did you really e-mail her and tell her to go to Vegas?

Y'all, did you see on the suicide journaler's thread how Meg said she'd "been right there six years ago"? Said she remembered it like yesterday.

Dude, she was 11. ELEVEN!

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Response to PoSM

She's a freak. She is ALWAYS saying things about "a few years ago."

OH! I forgot to mention, someone in one of the threads - it may have been fred - posted something like "Meg, you're only 17? Hmm. You look so much older in your pictures."

Cracked my ass up. I'll have to find it.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Response to PoSM

Ok, here it is. Last post on this page. Ha HAHAHAHA! http://www.pamie.com/ubb/Forum8/HTML/000179.html

She DOES look old, y'all. Because she's FORTY.

-- Anonymous, January 04, 2001

Response to PoSM

Originally posted in the millionth Fuzz padding thread:

>>Ah, so this is where everyone is. Fuzz, Inc. is taking over.


Um, y'all? We must prevail. Down with Fuzz!

Good night, fair MATH, Good night.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2001

Response to PoSM

Taking over? Taking OVER? Oh, I do not think so, bitches. I do not think so.

Got a response from rg on why she's feeling so *sad* - she's still hung up on her ex who bought the house. And broadcasting it all over the forum. Blurboy is working quickly to develop a fatal disease.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2001

Response to PoSM

She's STILL being all "snuffy" over that? Get over it. Goodness knows we have.

Ugh. Ruderschmirl.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2001

Response to PoSM

The Fuzz is taking over? What, the mental ward? The Taco Bell (well, only if someone can spot leigha the cash)?

What. Ever. I think the Fuzz missed its chance for that a long time ago.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2001

Response to PoSM

Y'all, Leigha's so crazy. Once, when she was drunk, she actually ate a live crawfish once. And once, get this, she ,passed out! Man. Those pseudo-Aggies. They're crazy.

-- Anonymous, January 05, 2001

Y'all, ruderho wants to get her hair braided. She thinks it'll be 'fetching.'


She's no Bo Derek. No Olive Garden, either, that's for sure.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

I saw that. So Gadsden of her.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

Is she moving to Jamaica or something? I don't get that.

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

Y'all! Meg called herself The Princess on her forum! Mimickey McMeg

-- Anonymous, January 08, 2001

Poor Meg. She's so crazy. And not in a good way.

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2001

But I bet she sure is fetching in her nes crushed velvet blouse from Old Navy. Did y'all catch the part where she talks about "annoying teenage types who wander around the mall"? Um, Meg, if you're really 17, that's you, babe.

-- Anonymous, January 09, 2001

Does anyone else think the fuzz alliance is showing signs of a rupture?

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2001

Heather Binuya keeps me from the odious task of posting on a fuzz thread ...

quote: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Originally posted by blurboy: I miss everybody on here. It's been, what, my whole life? We so need to have a Squishypalooza United States meeting . . . ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------

Well, technically that would be what they are doing next weekend in Vegas. I'm just sayin'...

Yeah, you're damn right it is. You can have your little crap-ass fuzzy gathering whenever, but all the cool kids (besides T) are heading to Vegas next weekend for the Squishypalooza thing.

-- Anonymous, January 12, 2001

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