what kind of flash is used with a Konica A8 (autroreflex)?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I have a Konica A8 that I am equipping for work and it does not have a shoe mount but has a side socket. What kind of flash can I mount on this camera? I am guessing that I can use a bracket flash, but am looking for other options.

-- John Parman (Parm6188@students.sou.edu), January 09, 2001


I think maybe you mean A3? Anyway, just about any standard flash should come with the cord to connect to your PC socket, and then you need a bracket to hold it. Konica made a removable flash shoe that attached to the viewfinder eyepiece, and it worked fine, but if you don't have it you'll probably have a hard time finding one. I don't think you have any other options.

rick :)=


-- Rick Oleson (rick_oleson@yahoo.com), January 10, 2001.

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