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greenspun.com : LUSENET : MINOX FAQ : One Thread

Since I am on the instant alert for any posted questions on this Minox board, I thought it would be interesting to make contact and see who is also out there shooting these cameras. My recent review of previous questions and categories on this board and their dates, notes that there is little action taking place. I thought it would be nice to develop some exchange, and get a little more action going. As such, I am including my bio (name, address and camera model owned) as well as my interest in shooting my Minox. Maybe our moderator can organize a database of us shooters so that we can be aware of others in our Minox community. In addition I also thought it might be interesting to get ideas as to how we can relate more often as Minox users.

So, as concerning the above, here is my own bio and recommendations:

Wayne Crider Fort Lauderdale Fl. Email Address: waynec@apt.net Camera: 35mm GTE with Flash Owned since: The middle of 2000 Favorite Subjects: Landscapes, sunsets and flowers. Favorite film: Astia. A real multi-purpose film depending on what speed you shoot it at. I prefer sahooting it at a one stop push (200) but have shot it at 320 and am amazed by it's performance. Misc: I'm going to start using closeup filters with it to get macro shots of flowers. Not the easiest thing to do, but seems like something to master that others may not have pursued. I'm also going to start using XP2 in it for B&W candid's. Most wished for accessories: Right angle finder for table top and low level shots, and a filter holder.

Board recommendations: 1. I'd like to see a monthly jackpot contest, $1 entry fee. The contest could be different subjects each month. Votes by members via email to the moderator. 2. An online photo book of past winners as well as a photo book of members images. 3. An effort by members to contact the Minox factory and management so as to encourage further development of cameras and accessories.

Since there doesn't seem like alot of users aware of us, and we are a small group, unlike to massive Photonet, it would be nice to promote our "Minox Club" in ways to increase our membership and exchange. I look forward to others thoughts on the subject.

-- Wayne Crider (waynec@apt.net), January 10, 2001



The group has moved.

The new URL is


-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 12, 2001.

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