Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

On BBC2's Working Lunch yesterday (Weds 10th Jan) there was an article all about how Banks and BS's are being investigated by the FSA over selling of Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance (MPPI).

What this is is a policy that protects you against things like redundancy, unemployment, long term sickness etc to cover the gap between loss of earnings and the 9 month time limit when the state will assist with mortgage payments. These policies are optional and normally arranged via the lender. Taking this into account you would think that there would be no problems. How wrong can you be!!!

Most policies that have been used so far DO NOT MEET THE FULL MORTGAGE PAYMENT and therefore create arrears if the borrower cannot meet the shortfall. As we all know, arrears mean the lender can repossess the property. In 47% of cases so far this is exactly what the lender has done even though it is the fsault of the insurance THEY sold you that the payment cannot be met. This is why they are being investigated. To me is appears they they have been negligent in selling the policy and it would be very interesting to see what happens if someone stood firm and took them to court.

I know this is not of help to most of us but I find it hopeful that the FSA is looking at the practices of the lenders and insurers. For once they may actually be held accountable for their careless and thoughtless policies/tactics.

The web site for Working Lunch is on the BBC main site but as yet they have not updated it for the programme shown yesterday.

-- Matt (, January 11, 2001


I'm glad to see you brought up the point of M P I. I shall be looking out for the update on the BBC website. At present I have been put off work because of work-related stress (an excessive workload) which was causing me many medical problems such as breathlessness, numbness and feeling faint etc. I do have a heart complaint but now that I am off my health has improved dramatically. However, my GP has said that he will not let me go back to work unless my work conditions change. I have the TU looking into the matter but they are dragging their feet. There is a possibility I will have to claim on my M P I and can see problems ahead with my claim because of my previous medical history. However, I intend to fight it all the way.

-- C Cassidy (, January 11, 2001.

Interesting item.

It's a pity the FSA won't consider investigating the apparent mis-selling of MIGs in the late 80s and early 90s. These were meant to offer borrowers 'protection', but we all know how the goalposts got moved so that it was, mysteriously, the *lenders* who ended up with the protection which the borrowers paid for.

-- Eleanor Scott (, January 11, 2001.

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