Hoot, could you answer a question about pellet stoves?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

"Hoot", My father-in-law purchased a used Pellet Stove without a owners manual. After trying to locate the "Fabco" company ourselves without any luck, we decided to put the problem to the "forum." We got a lot of help. One suggestion from Ken was to contact you for information on using field corn in a pellet stove. Is this possible? Would you need to convert the pellet stove in any way? Thanks for your help. Linda

-- Linda (wklkmorgan@ifriendly.com), January 11, 2001


Linda, I started a thread about corn burning stoves (not that I know about them, just some sites I found) -- THEN I saw this thread. You might want to go to my thread and read some of the sites. You might get some answers there.


-- Joy Froelich (dragnfly@chorus.net), January 11, 2001.

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