I would like information on finding early 19th Century Photographersgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Does anyone know of any resources, preferable books (internet O.K.), for finding information on early 19th Century landscape photographers in the state of Arizona? thanks for your time Steve Gilb
-- Steve Gilb (stevegilb@worldnet.att.net), January 16, 2001
steve - often the best resource for locale-specific photogrpahers is your state historical society/museum, and even some of thelarger county historical societies. there are many very fine books that deal with 19th century photography and practitioners, but they generally focus on a few principal and more well-known photogrphers. there are also some large-scale collectors out there that have quite a bit on knowledge about this subject. if there are a few specific folks you have in mind, give us the names, and we can check the references we have - i maintain a large library of materials on early photographers, and may be able to help you somewhat.
-- jnorman (jnorman@teleport.com), January 16, 2001.
There were NO early 19th Century Photographers in Arizona. None anywhere else either that we know of. Mid Century there may have been some, with numbers gradually rising after that time.Bit before the mid to late 1830's there were few photographers anywhere.
-- Dan Smith (shooter@brigham.net), January 16, 2001.
"These canyons are magnificant, Louie." "Oui, Fox. Don't knock over the Pickric Acid keg."
-- Bill Mitchell (bmitch@home.com), January 16, 2001.
If you get to L.A. at all, check out the current exhibit of the Wilson Collection of Early Photographs (or look at the catalogue) at the Getty Museum. You might find some leads. Photography was invented in 1839, but spreads fairly quickly by the mid-1840s.
-- David Goldfarb (dgoldfarb@barnard.edu), January 16, 2001.
Sorry people, it was early when I wrote the above question. I ment does anyone have info on 19th Century photographers in the mid 1800's dealing with the state of Arizona. Sorry for the confusion and thanks for the info so far.Regards, Steve Gilb
-- Steve Gilb (stevegilb@worldnet.att.net), January 16, 2001.
The George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and Film site has a huge amount of information about 19th century photographers. On the main page go to education and research and then go to the telnet database site. This site lists names and all available information about hundreds of early photographers. It may be searchable by state. Also check the American 19th Century holdings collections for thumbnails of a few of their images from early American photographers. A large number are from the West and may include something you are interested in. This is a great site.
-- jimryder (jimryder12@aol.com), January 16, 2001.
There are quite a few museums in Arizona that have extensive archives of early photographic work. The Heard in Phx comes to mind as well as Sharlot Hall in Prescott. Northern Arizona University, Arizona State and University of Arizona libraries all have wonderful archives for research. If I knew which area of Arizona you are researching I might be able to offer more complete advice.
-- jacque staskon (jacque@cybertrails.com), January 17, 2001.