E-Mail Correction

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Cacophony : One Thread

Oops. My correct e-mail address is: Bill_Gates_WA@Hotmail.com, or you can post an answer for all to see.

-- Bill Gates (Bill_Gates_WA@Hotmail.com), January 16, 2001


Dear bill, i read out a news in news paper that you are going to donate three million dollors who will find out the injection of aids so sir i know a person in India who has been cured many H I V patients he has been convert H I V possitive into negative and he has also so many certificates of thos patients who have been cured. So sir send me a e-mail to contact to me or meet me wheresoever you want it might be a reliefful for the whole world. Thanking You, Joginder paul,

-- joginder paul (bitoo_apra@msn.com), September 06, 2001.

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