cat food (and hygiene) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

can the type of food , affect where the cat , "does its business"? I have 2 house cats,, and when I feed them canned foo, ! of them, goes on the floor, not in the box, the other one is fine, and I tested,, its only after feeding canned food, anyone else experience this? too much ash content? any help??

-- Stan (, January 20, 2001


Response to cat food

Changes in diet will often result in gastrointestinal distress, which is usually manifested in "inappropriate" potty behaviour. It's your cat's way of saying "Cut it out!".

-- Soni (, January 20, 2001.

Response to cat food

Ive been feeding them both this way for awhile, split 1 can of food every other day, and all the dry they want,, same brand,, but this has just started happening within the last 2 months. I just figured out , it has to do with the canned food

-- Stan (, January 20, 2001.

Response to cat food

Weird Stan, think it's the kitty way of saying thankyou - give you a little gift??? lol

-- diane (, January 20, 2001.

Response to cat food

Maybe the one who uses the box, does it first and the other doesn't like the smell. I know I hate using the bathroom after my husband has been in it. :) Seriously, there is a different odor when any animal eats canned as compaired to dry.

-- Dee (, January 20, 2001.

Response to cat food

I agree with Soni. You have to "slowly" introduce new foods into a cat or dog's diet. Their systems are very delicate that way.

-- Joanne Schaefer (, January 23, 2001.

Stan, is it urine or poop on the floor? Urinating inappropriatly is a first sign of Feline Urological Syndrome, an age related disease that inflames and irritates the kidneys and bladder, see your local SM vet for more info or e-mail me, have many years experience with this disorder.

-- Annie Miller in SE OH (, January 26, 2001.

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