Rememberance : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I was in Suncoast the other day when I came across the Escaflone DVD. Now, I was wary of Escaflone when it first came out. I tossed it aside for a Gundam clone. How wrong i was. Now its gone, and i miss it. Vaughn*sniff*.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 2001


I love Escaflowne! I own the hole thing subtilted on tape. I have seen the DVD's around, mabye you should try to find it online

-- Anonymous, April 04, 2001

Hey, if you like Escaflone and want it back here is what to do: I am going on a "boycott" of Fox Kids. Please also do the same and go to their sight ( and tell them : WE WANT ESCAFLONE BACK. If I get enough help it might work. Thank you.

-- Anonymous, April 12, 2001

Well, anyone have the scoop on how long Fox's option on it is? I'm thinking that it would be a whole lot better perhaps if we could plead the case with Cartoon Network instead to pick it up. Show it from episode 1 instead of starting with 2 like Fox did, and show it every weekday like they did with Gundam Wing.

Think it'd fly?

-- Anonymous, May 08, 2001

I can't believe that I finally found some people my age who like cartoons so much. I'm an avid fan of Gundam wing and Escaflone but I could never find anyone else who was until now.

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

good.........stay here....we're dyin'.....(mind ya, I'll still be 'ere...)

-- Anonymous, May 26, 2001

yup.....we're dead.....

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

oh well, it was nice while it lasted

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

hehe *raise from the dead* I'm back...not alot o' people kickin' but still enough ta old are ya?

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

Oh good Escaflone fans. ME DOS (Two)!!! Too bad its gone. Where can I get the oldies. I recorded a few, and would like to own them. Email with where you seen em.

-- Anonymous, July 16, 2001

Therein lies the problem. Where the heck do you find Escaflone on DVD? Stupid Fox Kids. I put them on my buddy list, and keep sending them e-mails. Increasingly threatening e-mails. EBay dosen't have it, no stores have it. Where can you get Escaflone! Arghhhh!

-- Anonymous, December 09, 2002

i cant belive escaflowne`s gone ive been looking for the dvd evrywhere if any1 know where i can get it plz email me.

-- Anonymous, January 03, 2003

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