The common enemy : LUSENET : Repossession : One Thread

Wonder if people requesting information on this site are aware that the common enemy, ie the financial institutions who they are in trouble with in the first place, are more than likely monitoring the postings of this site.


-- Michael Mullins (, January 22, 2001


Yes Michael I am sure that we are. It would be idiotic to believe any different. My hope is that the "common enemy" as you call them will see this site and realise just what they are doing to peoples lives and the fact that we are not going to roll over and put up with their "holier than thou" attitudes anymore. Just because they are a large company does not automatically make them right! My only question for you is in questioning who's trench you're in!

-- Tim Heath (, January 22, 2001.

Well said, Tim! I'm not frightened of the 'common enemy' any more, and I would actually be rather pleased for them to take note of the many criticisms listed on this page. We are only 'in trouble' with these financial institutions because they have abused us - and our trust in them - very badly indeed.

And yes - where do you stand on all this, Michael?

-- Catherine Adams (, January 23, 2001.

I thought from my comments, it was clear which side I was on.

A friend of mine is having lots of grief from that well known institution in the Midlands close to Birmingham.

Their methods have been well documented on this wonderful site.

But I think in the end, its the people at Westminster that needs the kick, you know where.

Unlike the fuel protest there is not enough people on our side.


-- Michael Mullins (, January 23, 2001.

Hi Michael,

The lorry drivers and farmers briefly won support last year from the public because virtually everyone in the UK uses fuel and so could relate to their plight. Although a vast majority of the public have mortgages, the same feeling of empathy with repossessed victims is very unlikely to be achievable. I believe this is due to the 'Couldn't happen to me' syndrome perpetuated by the minimal warning message that accompanies a mortgage. If the 'Your home is at risk...' message actually stated the facts that your finances, family, health and career etc. would also be impacted then the public's perception of the repossesion shortfall scandal would be different.

The press have highlighted that a major contributory factor in the Fuel Protestors' success was their use of the Internet to coordinate and plan their actions through online communication. I believe that the use of the Internet to achieve justice in this manner is increasing tremendously.

Westminster has already begun to act on our behalf. Earlier postings on this forum have highlighted the healthy response by MPs to the recent Early Day Motion on Mortgage Shortfalls in Parliament. I believe that the resultant increasing awareness by MPs of the issues can only put pressure on the lenders to get their act together. It is the lenders that should get 'the kick' you mention, for it is their actions that are being brought into question daily on this site.


-- Tony Hayter (, January 26, 2001.

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