The ultimate solution to the diaper dilemma : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hello fellow homesteaders! I thought those of you with young babies might be interested to know that there is a sustainable, enivironmentally sound, compassionate alternative to long-term diaper use.

For millennia, mothers in cultures living cose to the earth have known how to tune in and respond to their babies elimination needs from infancy, hygienically without relying on diapers.

If you value a close relationship and a deepened communications with your baby, and also want to reduce diaper use, labor, and energy consumption, check out my website at I've written a new comprehensive book that describes this gentle practical method in full.

The practice is ideal though not exclusively for homesteaders. We live in the forest on an island in British Columbia.

Here's to comfortable babies and rested mothers! warmly, ingrid

-- Ingrid Bauer (, January 23, 2001

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