Bread reciepe : LUSENET : FAQ : One Thread

Hi My question is: Is there a low calorie wheat bread receipe that i can use in my bread maker? My husband was recentlt diagnoised with diabetes and i would like to continue to make bread, but I need to have a bread with fewer carbohydrates and low sugar that tastes good. Any ideas? thank you for any sugestions. Teri B

-- Anonymous, January 24, 2001



I have 2 receipes for diabete bread you may like to try :

FRENCH DIABETE WHITE LOAF 200g Water 400g Bread flour 10g Corn oil 4g Sachet Sweetener 2g Salt 5g Yeast

FRENCH DIABETE WHOLEMEAL LOAF 220g Water 200g Bread flour 200g Wholemeal flour 10g Corn oil 4g Sachet Sweetener 2g Salt 5g Yeast

-- Anonymous, April 05, 2001

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