Pentax K mount and Pentacon SIX : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Film & Processing : One Thread

Is there any adapteur which would let me put Carl Zeiss lenses from Pentacon SIX on the Pentax 35 mm camera with K mount.


Ales Czech Republic

-- Ales Kubricht (, January 25, 2001


Wrong forum to ask in, but yes, indirectly.
Pentacon themselves made an adapter from the Pentacon/Praktisix lens mount to M42 thread, which even allowed the auto diaphramn to work. These were usually sold as accessories for the 180mm-f/2.8 Sonnar, and the more expensive Zeiss telephoto lenses. They're quite rare now, but still turn up secondhand occassionally.
You'd have to use a second adapter from M42 to K mount to fit the Pentax-K, and you'd lose the iris automation.

-- Pete Andrews (, January 26, 2001.

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