ATA 100 : LUSENET : A One Forum : One Thread

1. I have recently bought a ATA 100 HDD is this the same as UDMA 100, that you see advertised with motherboards. 2. The chipset on your ABIT/KT7/SOCA/100 motherboard is kt133, does this mean it needs pc 133 memory

Thanks for answering my no doubt stupid questions

-- Danny Fairburn (, January 26, 2001


Dear Danny,

I dont think that your questions are stupid, PC manufacturers seem to have a nasty habit of giving several different names to their technologies. UATA 100 and UDMA 100 are one and the same. The Abit KT133 board can make use of 133MHZ SD-RAM but does not require 133MHz it will work with 100MHz although 133MHz is faster.


-- John Holroyd (, January 26, 2001.

just to add to my learned colleagues answer, 133mhz will only be enabled if you set the option in the CPU settings section of the bios to "Host clk +pci" thereby giving you the 100mhz of the processor and the 33mhz of the pci clock...

-- Digital Dave (, February 15, 2001.

And the KT133 does not refer to memory type, but the name of the chipset that the board contains.

-- Bod (, August 19, 2001.

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