BBH could you confirm my P.O.W recordings? : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

Those took me forever to complete so i was hoping you could confirm them for me.

~Richy Cream~

-- Richy Cream (, January 27, 2001


Just got home from Vegas... I'll take a look at the recordings later tonight.


-- BBH (, January 29, 2001.

I have confirmed your pow recording Richy. The recording is finished on one credit each, and is perfectly legal. Great performance! That game is not easy! It seems like the key to that game is saving the amo to the tougher enemies, and using the jump kick as your main weapon.

I guess I leave the powj recording to BBH:)



-- QRS (, January 30, 2001.

QRS: I believe he was also asking whether the recording checks out in terms of speed without autofire being used... anyway Richy, they both look clean to me. Good job!


-- BBH (, January 30, 2001.

Thanks guys.

-- Richy Cream (, January 30, 2001.

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