Opinion on Rodenstock MC 210 f:638 for 4x5!!greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
Need opinions and experience with a Rodenstock MC 210 F:6.8 lens. I have a chance to pick one up and wanted to know how it would fit on my Tachihara 4x5. Any input would be greatly apprciated. Thanks for all your help.
-- Doug Theall (rooster_two@yahoo.com), January 28, 2001
It's a decent lens and works fine on the little Tachi.The major differences between it and the Sironar line are that it doesn't have as much coverage and it may not get as crisp at as wide an aperture, but otoh the Tachi doesn't have all that much front rise and working apertures tend to be around f22 anyway.
-- John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net), January 28, 2001.