'Chandler' Blueberriesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread |
I have been working on my orchard,lately. Planting the last,of what will one day (I hope) be all I will need in the fruit area. I read on a site that the new "Chandler" blueberries are large(almost as large as cherries) w/ a delicious sweet taste. Have any of you tried this vareity? What's your thoughts on them? They are new and I can't find anyone around here who has them. Thanks Debbie
-- Debbie T in NC (rdtyner@mindspring.com), January 31, 2001
Debbie, we have a blueberry u-pick, thought about the Chandlers for next years planting. Instead we will buy more ozark blues. I am telling you that the ozarks are wonderful tasting blueberries. In our u-pick we have a few different varieties, blue crop and blue jay, the ozarks are the prettiest, easiest and best tasting. Debbie
-- Debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), February 05, 2001.