M6ttl meter diode strobing problem

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Leica Photography : One Thread

On 3 different occasions I have had the metering diodes strobe very rapidly while I'm pressing the shutter release to take a meter reading. Each time, the batts were new or only a couple of weeks old. This is not the rythmic blinking of an insufficient light reading, but a very rapid blinking of the diodes.

If I keep repeatedly pressing the shutter release without releasing the shutter, the problem goes away and the lights glow steadily, as they should. I also find that even though the lights are strobing, the exposures are still dead on accurate. So I don't think this is a meter problem, perhaps a dirty contact? I've had the camera for about 2 years and have run about 200 rolls through it. Is this problem familiar to anyone?

Thank you in advance.

Jeff Voorhees

-- Jeff Voorhees (debontekou@yahoo.com), February 01, 2001


The diodes do start "strobing" when the power available is low. If the batteries are fresh, try cleaning the camera's contacts and batteries with a clean eraser.


-- John Collier (jbcollier@home.com), February 01, 2001.

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