Double negative Image in One Photo : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

I need to know who to creat a double image printed image. Or how to take an image on a SLR Camera

-- James (, February 02, 2001


James, could you be a little clearer? Are you asking how to make a double exposure with a 35mm SLR, and how to print two or more negatives on to the same piece of enlarging paper?


-- Christian Harkness (, February 03, 2001.

Double exposures on the negative can be very interesting, but I prefer the flexibility of printing two negs on the same piece of paper. It helps to have two enlargers. You have to run a lot of tests before you can make your final print. Typically, the total exposure time remains the same, but you have to vary the amount you give each negative to fine tune the image.

-- Ed Buffaloe (, February 05, 2001.

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