Where do I get AN glass for contact printing?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

After having tried several different methods of eliminating Newton Rings from my 8x10 contact prints (portrait negs only), I would like to know of a source for buying Anti-Newton Ring glass. Is this something which has to be bought at specialty stores or from specific manufacturers? Currently, I am using hair spray to get rid of my Newton Ring problems (sprayed on the glass surface which is in contact with my negatives) but this has the affect of increasing my problems with dust spots on prints. I am also using a humidifier in my darkroom and keeping the humidity at 45% or more which does indeed help with both dust and Newton rings but not completely. Any suggestions for a source of this glass would be greatly appreciated. Thanx.

-- Tom Bailey (tmbailey8x10@yahoo.com), February 04, 2001


Try http://www.stephenshuart.com/

-- David Goldfarb (dgoldfarb@barnard.edu), February 04, 2001.

Look here: http://www.fpointinc.com/data/Store/focal/fpnewt2.htm

I have no idea if prices are appropriate or not.

-- John Hicks (jbh@magicnet.net), February 05, 2001.

Does adding weight to the glass increase contact enough to eliminate the rings? I have a proofer with a hinged plate glass that has never produced a newton ring. I use only 35mm and 6cm roll film as a rule, but I did a set of 8x10 negs once and don't recall any rings when I proofed it, either. As far as I know, the glass is ordinary plate glass, and so is fairly heavy.

-- Keith Nichols (knichols@iopener.net), February 05, 2001.

Adding weight isn't likely to help much. It's usually the result of a combination of humidity and the slickness of the particular film surface.

-- David Goldfarb (dgoldfarb@barnard.edu), February 05, 2001.

I have used non glare glass from a glass shop and it really works good. Cheers

-- Scott Walton (f64sw@hotmail.com), February 09, 2001.

Check with a company called Focal Point,in Sanford,FL. I think they are on the web.

-- Dennis Kloppel (beselerphoto@webspan.net), June 13, 2001.

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