CA - TOMORROW IS 22nd DAY UNDER STAGE THREE EMERGENCY : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Patrick Dorinson

February 5, 2001 (888) 516-NEWS


California ISO Makes Another Appeal for Conservation

(Folsom, CA) Tuesday, February 6th has been declared a Power Watch Day by the California Independent System Operator (California ISO). The current Stage Three Electrical Emergency is extended through midnight tomorrow. The risk of rotating blackouts cannot be ruled out, however no firm load shedding is anticipated tomorrow. Increased conservation during the peak usage hours of 5:00-9:00 a.m. and 4:00-7:00 p.m. is strongly encouraged. Tuesday’s peak demand on the ISO-controlled Grid is expected to reach 30,846 megawatts at approximately 6 p.m. Power Watch is a public awareness campaign sponsored by the California ISO to communicate the current electricity resource outlook, in light of the rising demand for power in California. By providing regular updates on system conditions and peak demand forecasts, the California ISO hopes to convey the importance of using electricity wisely on days when electricity reserves may run low. Incorporated under California law (AB 1890), the not-for-profit California ISO is chartered by the state to manage the flow of electricity along the long-distance, high-voltage power lines that make up the bulk of California’s transmission system. Following restructuring of the state’s electricity industry, the California ISO’s mission is to keep the open market power grid in California reliable, safe, competitive and accessible. Information about the California ISO control area’s electricity supply and the current demand is available on the web at For questions relating to the electrical distribution systems that carry electricity directly to homes and businesses, please contact your local utility. -ISO-

-- pho (, February 05, 2001

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