Anyone used the HEILAND SPLITGRADE ? : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread |
I have just read the third rave review of this piece of very, very, expensive equipment. Has any amateur used it and can give an unbiased opinion ?
-- Anthony Brookes (, February 06, 2001
Hi,I am using the Heiland Splitgrade on a Durst M70 for almost a year now. I consider this the best investment I have ever made in photograpic equipment. It improved the quality and the speed of my printing. Furthermore, it is a paper saver. Calibrating is a piece of cake. However, it is not a fool proof system. You have to use your head, as well.
If ou have specific questions, do not hesitate to mail me. I am happy to share my experience.
-- Daniel Janssen (, February 07, 2001.
I don't know if this is one of the threads that you read but the folks in the thread may be able to answer some of your questions...
-- Mani Sitaraman (, February 07, 2001.