Strawbeary (goat) had triplets : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I am so happy that I had to tell everyone. Strawbeary Nubian dairygoat and lifetime resident here on the farm had triplet kids, 2 bucklings, 1 doeling. She had a hormone problem 2 years ago and was in standing heat for months. Since then still cycled but no kids. I didn't think she would ever kid again and knew my family thought i was pretty silly to keep her. I had not saved a daughter from her as i have a very small herd and do not keep very many kids. She was born here and I have the daughters, grand daughters and great grand daughters of Black Satin a Cold Comfort Hawthorne doe who had a lovely soft glove udder and gave the sweetest milk of any goat I had ever raised. So, my Strawbeary was a brush eater with not much brush to clear and I sold a lot of other bucks and does but kept her. This last month she started making an udder and I have been watching her like a hawk and hoped for a doe kid as it looked like a single kid if she was even really pregnant. Went out to check her and heard a kid crying, grabbed my iodine and towels and rushed to the shed and there was 3 of them!!! They are all fine and she is so happy and I am so happy and it has to be spring. Have a great day!

-- karen (, February 08, 2001


congradulations on strawberries kids.i love kidding season. like you yesterday morning i heard a kid crying and went to check the kid that had been born the day before and there was my sweet shasta with one on the ground and feet showing on the second, by the time they nursed lily has the , i'm fixin to kid look, and within a coulpe of hours i've got 2 more kids. i'm exhausted today from being so excited yesterday. i love goats, ive been sittin at the barn this morning vistin with them and enjoying this lovely 65 degree weather. i also love naming them, most of mine have flower names. shasta is daisy's daughter. i live in arkansas and wish a nice and love filled day to all. sherry

-- sherry mullins (, February 08, 2001.

Congrats on the triplets. I'm waiting impatiently for Fiona the naughty Nubian to kid. Not knowing when she was bred is a real pain. I'm hoping she'll kid this month.

I was not expecting the delivery that occured last night. My youngest daughter's hamster had 8-10 (I can't sort them out enough to tell how many there are) babies. My good friend, who's also my farrier, gave us this hamster 3 weeks ago to replace the one he gave us 3 months ago that met an timely cat related death. He assured me that he separated the sexes and this hamster was not bred. Well, he was big time wrong on that one! Hamster babies are one of the very few animals who's babies are not cute at birth. These things are downright scary looking--no hair, all pink, and their eyes look like they're glued shut...they look like something out of The X Files.

Stacy Rohan in Windsor, NY

-- Stacy Rohan (, February 08, 2001.

Congratulations!!! I have a couple more weeks and will have three freshening. This is really late for me as I ususally breed for January kids but was in Haiti during my usual breeding season. I am really getting anxious!!! Have fun and enjoy-they grow so fast.

-- diane (, February 08, 2001.

oops on my spelling, didn't think that looked sherry

-- sherry mullins (, February 08, 2001.

Congratulations.Can't wait for ours to start but it's still 3 weeks away.Nothing beats kidding season!

-- JT in Florida (, February 08, 2001.

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