Yet another country magazine bites the dust(Other Forums/Mags/Sites : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Just found out that Country Journal will be out of publication after the March/April 01. It's not the magazine that Countryside is, but I learned lots of stuff. Sorry to see them go.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 09, 2001


Was this at one time called Blair & Ketsums (sp?) Country Journal?

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, February 09, 2001.

This is sad, it is a good magazine.

-- Shau Marie (, February 09, 2001.

Ken, you are correct. One of them either died or retired and shortly after that the magazine was sold and the name shortened. Maybe twenty years ago?

-- Lynn Goltz (, February 09, 2001.

Oh, damn! I liked it, too. Now I feel bad that I didn't renew...

-- Shannon at Grateful Acres Animal Sanctuary (, February 09, 2001.

I had a subscription that expired with the last one out. I didn't care much for it so didn't plan to renew however I keep getting renewal notices in the mail!!

-- bwilliams (, February 09, 2001.

It is sad when a good magazine goes under. This is the kind of thing that we can all keep from happening to our Countrysides (which I recieved today :>). I noticed the threads where folks were complaining of the lost newstand sales and could not understand their feelings about advanced warning of 2 months. If they don't subscribe, they can get the free issue here at the CS homepage and subscribe, a better deal than just an advanced warning. Lets all give the Belangers credit and support, they are keeping us in a fine magazine and b-board. I just regret we didn't get to subscribe befor 1999. This is one subscription I'll always keep current.

-- Jay Blair in N. AL (, February 09, 2001.

I also recently cancelled my subscription as the magazine was getting more and more repetitive and boring (thankfully not a problem with Countryside). I can believe that they are going out of publication. They have offered little if anything fresh or new in the last few years that I could tell.

-- Soni (, February 09, 2001.

AMEN, Jay!!!!!!! Just re-upped my subscription for another 2 years. Great deal, since I'll be getting 2 additional copies for free, YEAH!!!!!!!!! Could be hard to live with if Countryside was gone!! :)

-- Uncle Jake (, February 09, 2001.

I ordered a subscription to a magazine called Country Jounal from my friend's son. He was selling subscriptions as a school fund raiser. Wonder if it is the same magazine and wonder what will happen with the subscription price I paid?

-- cindy palmer (, February 10, 2001.

Cindy, that's how renewed my subscription. The lady I talked to said someone would be calling each of us about a refund.

-- Cindy (SE In) (, February 11, 2001.

Sorry to hear the news, altho I can't say I'm surprised. When it started B&K's Country Journal was sort of an upscale, more literate version of Mother Earth News. Last few years, it's tried to become more like Yankee magazine, without success. Heck, I've heard that Yankee has problems, too. Judging from Yankee's content and size (THIN) lateley.

-- Cash (, February 11, 2001.

I have all the back issues of Country Journal. I enjoyed all the 80 and 90 isues. Another magazine i miss is Farmstead. It was like Countryside Magazine. Mother Earth bought it .Mother earth isn't as good as it was years ago.Storey's has a lot of pamplets for under $3.00. There informatiom on all topics is interesting. Priscilla from Upstate New York

-- PRISCILLA (GP83196@AOL.COM), February 11, 2001.

My wife buys CJ on the news stand, I took it years ago but it is very much a magazine for the north east/new england. In the past ir has some real good contributions to my life.

-- Hendo (OR) (, February 12, 2001.

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