Need to DOWNGRADE to SQL Server 6.5 : LUSENET : SQL Server Database Administration : One Thread

Please help !

My webhosting service is running Sql Server 6.5 and I only have 7.0.. When I try to connect to it, it says the host must upgrade to 7.0 or later. Is there anything I can do to trick it into believing I'm 6.5 too?

Thank You,


-- Anonymous, February 10, 2001



I'm confused here. SQL Server client tools such as Enterprise Manager and Query Analyzer can connect to earlier SQL Server versions.

When you say, "When I try to connect to it" aren't you saying that you are having difficulty connecting from Enterprise Manager on your machine to a 6.5 SQL Server at your webhosting service? This should be doable.

Let me know if I understand your problem correctly and the exact wording (and error number if provided) of any error message you are receiving.


-- Anonymous, February 11, 2001


You wrote, "The error message reads: "NT902 - [SQL-DMO]SQL Server NT902 must be upgraded to version 7.0 or later to be administered by this version of SQL-DMO"

My research indicates that (despite my previous statements) you cannot administer SQL 6.5 from EM 7.0.

The work around is for you to install a copy of SQL Server 6.5 Enterprise Manager to administer that server.

Hope this helps,


-- Anonymous, February 11, 2001

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