55-100mm Zoom-- f/32 Stop

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Pentax 67 SLR : One Thread

Does anyone know if this lens can be stopped to f/32 at all focal lengths? Does it have a usable DOF scale on the barrel? I am considering buying this lens. Thanks. SR

-- Steve Rasmussen (srasmuss@flash.net), February 10, 2001


The aperture stays constant at all focal lengths. When you stop down to f32 it holds true from 55mm to 100mm. There is no depth of field scale at all on this lens. There are two small index marks next to the focusing index line, which look somewhat like depth of field marks, but these are for infrared focusing at 55mm and 100mm. Bob

-- Bobby Mahaffey (mahajen@prodigy.net), February 11, 2001.

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