The Print Lab : LUSENET : B&W Photo: Creativity, Etc. : One Thread

Has anyone every worked with "The Print Lab"

Just wondering.


-- Traci Suzanne Marvel (, February 12, 2001


Their prices look typical. I put in an email to them yesterday with a few questions but haven't heard from them yet...

-- Scott Walton (, February 15, 2001.

Interesting... They have gotten back to me right away every time. What kind of questions did you ask them?


-- Traci Suzanne Marvel (, February 15, 2001.

I asked what their turn around time was on making enlarged negative for platinum and also told them that on their web site the must have been a mistake regarding their size on platinum... they listed "...8"x1"..

-- Scott Walton (, February 16, 2001.

I use the print lab all the time, they to great work and really care about the quality of what they are doing. I couldn't recomend any one more.


-- doug (, February 17, 2001.

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