For Mike in South Africa : LUSENET : A One Forum : One Thread

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Hi Mike,

Sounds like your having a hard time there buddy. The most likely cause is your motherboard that has died as both CPU and RAM would cause a POST problem. ie. you would get a long loud beep, followed by a silence then again the beep continuously until you power down. You could try turning on the board with no CPU attached this would also cause a post problem, if it gets you nowhere it's definately the board mate.


John Holroyd 0161-763-3633

-----Original Message----- From: Mike Van In [] Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 1:48 PM To: Subject: GA-5Vmm + K6 CPU

Hello John,

I'm getting desperate for some help - even getting a response to email seems impossible. I found your email address while searching the web for some clue to a solution. Please let me know if you can advise me with the following:

I have acquired a GA-5VMM motherboard, an AMD K6-2/500 CPU and an M.tec 64Mb Ram card (PC133 - 8Mx8) - all brand new. I have installed all of this in a case with a Skyhawk SH250AB power supply, a 10Gb hard drive and a stiffy. The DIP switches on the motherboard are set for AMD-K6-2/500(100*5 2.2V core) and the damned thing just will not boot! There is no screen display either. I have tried the RAM in another PC and it booted perfectly. The motherboard looks so simple that I cannot see where I have gone wrong.

Please take a few minutes to let me know what the problem might be and how I could possibly debug it. I would be extremely grateful for any assistance whatsoever.

Many thanks for you kind attention, Mike Van In. Witbank - South Africa.

-- John Holroyd (, February 12, 2001


Hi Mike, just to let you know, we at A One have recently had a batch of Mtec memory and have had BIG compatibility problems with Gigabyte Boards,so it would appear that the problem you are having will be the Mtec memory, have you tried another brand ?? please let us know how you get on. Good Luck...Digital Dave.

-- Digital Dave (, February 15, 2001.

TLC Computers had a few problems with MTec Memory and some Gigabyte motherboards. We found it to be only a problem with the 128MB modules that was 7ns or higher. 6ns worked fine! Go Figure!

-- Tracey Mattingley (, April 03, 2001.

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