Rating Polaroid Type 52greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread |
I have looked through the Polaroid threads here and elsewhere, and have read the Polaroid data sheets, but still can't get the exposure correct for this film. Two quick questions :(i) What is the useable range of this film? My limited experience indicates -2 to +1 at ASA800. In other words, at 800ASA, highlights metering more than one stop above N are completely white and shadow detail is lost below roughly two stops from N. Is this consistent with other peoples experience with this film?
(ii) How sensitive are the highlight and shadow values to variations in developing time? I am probably never spot on, since I don't know the temperature of my film very accurately in the field (+-10 degrees at best). The data sheets indicate that the shadows should be sensitive to changing times to some extent, but not the highlights. Is this consistent with user experience?
-- Richard Ross (ross@hrl.com), February 12, 2001
Typically I have always shot this at 400 although it is a bit contrasty thereby looking a bit faster.
-- Scott Walton (scotlynn@shore.net), February 13, 2001.